Impact of COVID-19 on the Demand and Utilization of Physiotherapy Services Among Stroke Patients

Impact of COVID-19 on the Demand and Utilization of Physiotherapy Services Among Stroke Patients

Keywords: Physiotherapy;, Telerehabilitation;, Stroke


Background: While it has been reported that the COVID-19 pandemic has wreaked havoc on the world’s health care systems including rehabilitation services, little was known about its impact on the demand and utilization of physiotherapy services on stroke survivors in Zambia. This study investigated the demand for and use of physiotherapy among stroke survivors at a tertiary hospital in Zambia during the COVID-19 pandemic. Method: We carried out a cross sectional study on stroke patients who were referred for Physiotherapy between January 2019 and December 2020. Of the 185 stroke patients booked for Physiotherapy, 86 commenced Physiotherapy sessions while the rest did not show up for their appointments. We collected data on age, gender, year Physiotherapy was attended and frequency of sessions for the 86 stroke patients from the out-patient attendance register using a check list. The data was analyzed using SPSS version 16 with descriptive frequencies and histograms used to summaries data while associations between categorical variables were done using Chi-square tests. Results: Of the 185 stroke patients who were referred for Physiotherapy between January 2019 and December, 2020, only 86 (46.49%) utilized physiotherapy services. Majority of stroke patients who utilized Physiotherapy services in 2019 attended two or more Physiotherapy sessions per week compared to those in 2020 who attended at least one session in two to four weeks (p< 0.001). Conclusion: The number of treatment sessions in 2020 dropped significantly for physiotherapy services. This implies that outcomes could have been negatively affected. It would therefore be important to explore other evidence-based strategies such as telerehabilitation and task-shifting using caregivers.