CHIEF EDITOR Prof. Concepta N. Kwaleyela – Dean, Mulungushi University, School of Nursing and Midwifery; EXECUTIVE EDITOR Prof. Patricia Katowa-Mukwato - Dean, University of Zambia (UNZA), School of Nursing Sciences (SoNS); EDITORIAL BOARD Prof. Catherine M. Ngoma – UNZA, SoNS; Mr. Kestone Lyambai – UNZA, SoNS, Head, Department of Mental Health and Psychiatry; Mrs. Chileshe Mwaba - Siwale – UNZA, SoNS, Head, Department of Basic and Clinical Nursing Sciences; Mrs. Natalia Mbewe – Shitima – UNZA, SoNS, Head, Department of Community Health Nursing; Dr Sebean Mayimbo– UNZA, SoNS, Head, Department of Midwifery, Women’s and Child Health; Mr. Emmanuel Musenge – UNZA, SoNS, Assistant Dean (Research); Dr Marjorie Kabinga-Makukula – UNZA, SoNS, Assistant Dean (Postgraduate); Mrs. Victoria Mwiinga-Kalusopa – UNZA, SoNS, Assistant Dean (Undergraduate); Dr Brenda Nambala-Sianchapa– UNZA, SoNS, Lecturer; Dr Dorothy Chanda - UNZA, SoNS, Senior Lecturer; Dr Maureen Masumo – UNZA, SoNS, Lecturer; Dr Ruth Wahila – UNZA, SoNS, Lecturer; Dr Caroline Zulu – UNZA, SoNS, Lecturer; Mr. Fabian Chapima – UNZA, SoNS, Program Coordinator, Kitwe Campus; Mr. Yolan Banda – UNZA, SoNS, Lecturer; Mrs. Martha Mbewe-Mwelwa – UNZA, SoNS, Lecturer; Mrs. Brenda Evah Michelo-Mukata – UNZA PRESS; ADVISORY BOARD Professor Address Malata (Vice Chancellor, Malawi University of Science and Technology); Associate Prof. Clara Haruzivishe (Senior Lecturer, University of Zimbabwe); Associate Prof. Margaret Maimbolwa (UNZA, SoNS); Associate Prof Lonia Mwape (UNZA, SoNS, Department of Mental Health and Psychiatry); Associate Prof. Anne Namakando Phiri (Director, Dovecot School of Nursing); Associate Prof Francis Simui (UNZA, Institute of Distance Education); Associate Prof. Denis Walsh (University of Nottingham, UK); Dr Margaret Mweshi (UNZA, School of Health Sciences); Dr Peggy Chibuye (Freelance Consultant Nurse/Midwife); Dr Eleanor Msidi (Apex Medical University); Dr Mable Magowe (Senior Lecturer, University of Botswana); Mrs. Mercy Mbewe (Nurse Expert, National Institute of Public Administration [NIPA])