'Religious Education in Zambia is Outdated and Must be Renewed': Some Reflections

  • John Mujdrica Zambia Catholic University
Keywords: Religious Education (RE), Educating Our Future, Curriculum Framework


This article reflects on Religious Education in Zambia. Drawing on the historical developments and current status of the subject, the article shows that Religious Education has lost its importance in Zambia as it has remained the same since the 1977 Education Reforms. The article advances the need to set up a Zambian Commission on Religious Education to conduct a large-scale research into the quality of Religious Education and prepare a new national plan for the subject. It also calls on tertiary institutions to accept Michael Grimmitt’s critique of Religious Studies and start teaching Religious Education instead. Additionally, it recommends that the old aim of Religious Education in Zambia must be changed and that the subject should challenge the youth to value their lives and become their best.