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  • Journal of Research in Nursing, Midwifrey and Health Sciences
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  • Journal of Adult Education (online ISSN 2664-5688)
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  • Journal of Agricultural and Biomedical Sciences
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  • Journal of Law and Social Sciences
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  • Journal of Lexicography and Terminology (Online ISSN 2664-0899. Print ISSN 2517-9306).
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  • Multidisciplinary Journal of Language and Social Sciences Education (2664-083X, Online ISSN: Print ISSN: 2616-4736)
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  • Journal of Natural and Applied Sciences
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  • Journal of Preventive and Rehabilitative Medicine
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  • Zambia Interdisciplinary Journal of Education ( ZIJE) Online-ISSN 2710-0715
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  • Zambia Journal of Education (Online ISSN 2664-3170: Print ISSN 1996-3645)
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  • Zambian Journal of Educational Management, Administration and Leadership (ZJEMAL) (ISSN - Print: 2706-7416, Online: 2709-1864)
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  • Zambia Journal of History
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  • Zambia Journal of Religion and Contemporary Issues (ZJRCI) - ISSN Online: 2709-6963, ISSN Print: 2411-6254
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  • Zambia Law Journal (ZLJ) ISSN Print: 1027-7862
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  • ZANGO: Zambian Journal of Contemporary Issues
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