Trends and status of rabbit production and research in Zambia

  • Kolawole Odubote
  • Mayoba Barbara Moono
Keywords: Rabbit, breeds, litter, kindling, parity, Zambia


Rabbit production has the potential to help alleviate poverty levels through job creation, income from the sales of rabbits and their products, and a supply of nutritional food, given its urban and peri-urban functionality. However, not much is known about rabbit production and productivity in Zambia. This study is a rapid survey to document rabbit production systems, management practices and provide estimates of rabbit productivity in Lusaka, Zambia. Three production systems (extensive, semi-intensive, and intensive) were determined given the following criteria: breeds and number reared, housing provided, feed supplied, management practices and marketing of rabbits and by-products. Most producers practiced extensive production system, rearing few local and crossbred rabbits fed mostly vegetables, and housing was made of locally available wood materials and or on deep litter. The intensive production system, however, involved purebreds such as New Zealand White (NZW), Chinchilla (CH), California White (CA), Dutch (DU) and Flemish Giant (FG) and their crosses, with numbers ranging between 50 and 100 breeding animals raised in individual metal cages fed hay and pelleted concentrate feed. Mortality was lower given the conducive environment and high management practices that reduced contact with faecal droppings and allowed urine to be collected for sale. The semi intensive production system lies in the middle and is pivotal to improving productivity in the rabbit industry. Mean performances reported were litter size at birth (3.3, 5.2, 6.4), litter weight at birth (105g, 225g, 410g), litter size at weaning (1.9, 4.1, 5.7), litter weaning weight (650g, 1955g, 3256g) and average mature weight (1510g, 2120g, 2825g) for the extensive, semi intensive and intensive productions systems accordingly. The two major challenges were the limited source of breeding animals, which predisposes the sector to a high level of inbreeding and inadequate veterinary care, leading to a high mortality of over 30%. The government is encouraged to develop a national rabbit development programme that will address the above mentioned challenges.


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How to Cite
Odubote K, Moono MB. Trends and status of rabbit production and research in Zambia. Journal of Agricultural and Biomedical Sciences [Internet]. 4Apr.2024 [cited 6Oct.2024];7(3). Available from:
Agriculture Sciences