Genetic Distance and Gene flow in Two Breeds of Nigerian Indigenous Goats Using Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphic Marker

Genetic Distance and Gene Flow in Goats

  • Adetunmbi Tella Federal University Oye-Ekiti
Keywords: Genetic Distance, Gene Flow, Allele frequency, Red Sokoto, West Africa Dwarf (WAD) goats.


Background and Objective: Due to their hardness in severe weather, capability to yield milk and meat, fast generation times, and goats constitute an indispensable part of rural agricultural systems due to their capacity to withstand the substandard diets that are provided by restricted grazing on marginal soils. Gene flow, genetic distance, genotype frequencies, and alleles were investigated using two native goat breeds from Nigeria. Materials and Methods: Investigational goat populations included Red Sokoto (50) and WAD (45). For each animal, an ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) container was filled with approximately 5 milliliters of aseptic blood taken. Polymorphism of restriction fragment length and Agarose gel electrophoresis were carried out after the DNA samples were isolated and purified.Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium (HWE), gene allele frequency, anticipated and observed heterozygousities (He and Ho, respectively), and populations were compared based on their genetic distances. Results: The degree of genetic diversity was great.According to the findings, Red Sokoto and WAD exhibited the highest genetic similarity (0.9996) and the lowest genetic distance (0.0004) between the two populations. Conclusion: If more animals from different goat breeds are collected, improved genetic research and marker-assisted selections in goat improvement programs would be achievable.


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How to Cite
Tella A. Genetic Distance and Gene flow in Two Breeds of Nigerian Indigenous Goats Using Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphic Marker. Journal of Agricultural and Biomedical Sciences [Internet]. 4Jun.2024 [cited 6Oct.2024];7(3). Available from:
Veterinary Medicine